Internship Spotlight: Cameron Ann Pearson – WomenRising

Name: Cameron Ann Pearson
Graduation Date: May 2026
Name of Organization: WomenRising
Location: Jersey City, NJ
Title: Intern
Summary of Responsibilities:
Tasked with state-recognized Domestic Violence Victim Advocate Training (VAT), worked the domestic violence hotline to advocate resources out to women in need or commenced screenings to house women fleeing a domestic violence situation if there is space available in the shelter, contact sheet making and resource research on behalf of the organization
Favorite Aspect of Internship:
Community and trust built between co-workers and the clients, easy commute from the Rutgers-Newark campus, strong sense of independence in task delegation, and flexible work hours.
Career Goals:
Hopefully, I would like to work many jobs in my lifetime. I would like to pursue some form of urban planning, foreign policy, or any form of nonprofit administration. I am working hard towards my goals in the hopes of working my way towards my master's and hopefully up the corporate ladder to become COO and subsequently, founder of an organization. Above all else I prioritize the impact my work is accomplishing and how I will best serve the clients I work with. Empathy in this field reigns supreme and I hope to do all I can as I continue learning the ins and outs of Public Administration.
How did the service-learning course help you navigate your internship responsibilities?
The Service Learning I internship course helped me to navigate my internship responsibilities in a way that seemed more manageable than jumping head-first into something new. By having the weekly structure of a course to supplement my internship process, I feel I have gained insight into this internship that I normally would have not had given I had no structure going into the whole process. Going into an internship blind as an undergraduate student is intimidating, but having the structure of a class to support my learning has allowed me to consolidate my thoughts throughout the semester and has allowed me to track my progress. This, in turn, has allowed for more than academic validation but, has allowed me to use the class as a way to track my personal growth throughout the semester.
What kind of skills did you learn during this internship?
During my internship, I learned a multitude of skills ranging from practical to interpersonal skills. Throughout the semester, I have learned how to properly format spreadsheets, how to deal with mental health crises as they occur, gained confidence in a workplace environment, and learned how to effectively communicate with coworkers. Most importantly I learned how to navigate trepidatious situations involving victims of domestic violence and help clients in their most important time of need.
Has your mentoring part of the internship helped navigate your career goals?
I feel that I was extremely lucky in the case of mentorship. If you are a woman working for WomenRising it is one of the safest and most nurturing environments for young women in the Hudson County area. Our organization, though specialized like its origin, is one of the most vital organizations in the entire county for the help we provide. Tons of individuals are either displaced or have a precarious resident situation due to domestic violence and so the work that WomenRising does is instrumental to the many women who go overlooked or underrepresented daily just for their circumstances. I have only understood this through the constant support and conversation with my supervisors and the tight-knit nature of WomenRising.