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Message from Dean Charles Menifield on the Fall 2020 Semester

Dear SPAA Students:

Following the messages that you have likely seen from President Holloway and Chancellor Cantor, I would like to provide you with a summary of the School of Public Affairs and Administration’s Fall 2020 semester plan.

After careful consideration, SPAA will provide all academic instruction in a remote format during the Fall 2020 semester due to public health and public safety concerns. Our faculty are working diligently to utilize the best pedagogical tools that are available for online learning with the goal of providing you a quality educational experience. With that said, we continue to explore other hybrid options as well as face-to-face options. We will keep you updated if we revise our academic plans. To that end, our academic standards will continue to remain high.

Courses will be offered either in synchronous or asynchronous formats. Please consult with your SPAA academic advisor via email prior to registering for fall courses if you have any questions (Undergraduate Advisor: Alyssa LaPatriello,; Graduate Advisor: Reena Patel,

Also, please visit SPAA’s COVID-19 Information page ( for updates; FAQs; information on online education; and links to resources such as the “Returning to Rutgers University-Newark: A Working Plan for Fall 2020.” The working plan contains information on RU-N housing, dining, research, enrollment services, student life, career development, and the library. In addition, you can email the SPAA academic services staff for advising questions, writing assistance, and career services questions, as these services will be offered remotely as well.

Please know that we are here to support you in any way, so be sure to let us know if you require any assistance. Student and Academic services can be contacted at or at 973-353-3709.

Charles E. Menifield, PhD
School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA)