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Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration Announces the Marc Holzer Fund for Doctoral Students

Marc Holzer, PhD

In honor of Dr. Holzer’s legacy as the school’s Founding Dean, Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) has established the Marc Holzer Fund for Doctoral Students. The fund was created with the encouragement of SPAA PhD alumni who credit Holzer’s mentorship and guidance with bolstering their successes in academia. This fund will provide financial support for the next generation of public administration scholars who have demonstrated an interest in public performance measurement and improvement – Dr. Holzer’s area of expertise.

Dr. Marc Holzer was the Founding Dean of the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University–Newark, where he served as such from 2006-2016. In his honor, the Marc Holzer Fund provides merit-based financial assistance to support doctoral students at Rutgers University–Newark. Financial assistance is available for public administration doctoral students who demonstrate a scholarly interest in public performance.