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SPAA Graduate Profile: Wan-Ju Hung (PhD'24)

Wan-Ju Hung (PhD'24)

Name: Wan-Ju Hung 
Hometown: Taiwan
PhD Grad Year: 2024
Current Position/Organization: Incoming Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Texas Tech University 

Why did you enroll at SPAA?
I admire the research work of the SPAA faculty. I want to be like them one day. 

What do you hope to accomplish with your degree?  
I hope to contribute to the knowledge of public administration, and grow with students! 

Favorite SPAA memory and/or most meaningful experience at SPAA?
All the fun talk with SPAA people. 

Biggest challenge(s)?  
Balancing work and life.  

Next steps?  
Keep working hard. 

Advice to incoming students?
Reach out to the great faculty around you. They are very approachable and will always help your growth.