SPAA Internship Spotlight: Anna Agbotse – American Friends Service Committee

Name: Anna Nana Asaah Agbotse
Degree Program: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Public and Nonprofit Administration
Minor: International Affairs
Expected Graduation Date: May 2020
Name of Organization: American Friends Service Committee – Prison Watch Program
Location of Internship: Newark, NJ
Title: Research and Workshop Organizer
Responsibilities: I organized workshops for students interested in the criminal justice system. I ensured that the rooms were reserved, in the proper set-up, and that the round table discussions went smoothly. I also replied to communications from prisoners who sought help in reporting human rights violations committed against them by the wardens or fellow prisoners whilst in prison. I also assisted prisoners who requested publications and books from the program. These books taught the prisoners how to maintain their sanity while locked up, especially for those held in solitary confinement.
Favorite Aspect of Internship: I worked in an environment that taught me what it meant to put action into activism, and I was inspired by the workshops I organized. Hence, I created my very own symposium with invited speakers including Bonnie Kerness and Ojore Lutalo who spoke about police brutality, solitary confinement, and deaths in the immigration detention centers of private prisons. I am very proud of myself because although the process was long, the event was a success.
Career Goals: I plan to work in government, or an NGO where I can help people in humanitarian crises.