SPAA Internship Spotlight: Gabriella Van Wyck – Moving For Life
#SPAAisPublicService #WhereServiceMeetsLeadership #RutgersSPAA

Name: Gabriella Van Wyck
Degree Program: Bachelor of Arts
Major: Public and Nonprofit Administration
Expected Graduation Date: May 2021
Name of Organization: Moving For Life
Location of Internship: New York City, NY
Title: Grant Writing Intern
Responsibilities: I worked on grant-writing proposals to help Moving For Life receive more funding support as they switched all their services entirely online. Moving for Life provides gentle exercise coaching to patients who are either being treated or have been treated for cancer or older patients. My work primarily encompassed identifying and conducting research for new grants and updating proposals for grant renewal. I also worked to put together the organization’s reports, which might be required as part of the grant application, or as information for potential donors and current funders.
Favorite Aspect of Internship: I worked in a very inclusive environment where the supervisors were willing to give me more responsibility and hands-on work to better understand the working of a nonprofit organization, and more specifically the nitty-gritty for writing a grant. The internship provided me tremendous exposure on the grant writing career path, which helped me exude more self-confidence and now have a get-it-done approach.
Career Goals: I plan on continuing my career path in grant writing and grant writing management for organizations.