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Alumni & Careers

Making an Impact

SPAA alumni are graduates of one of the finest public affairs programs in the country, with a proud five-decade legacy of shaping public administrators who have gone on to make a profound impact on the world. They often cite the education and experiences they received at SPAA as pivotal to their success.

We are thrilled to call more than 3,000 alumni a part of the SPAA family. They are valued members of our global network who represent every discipline of public administration.

Are you a SPAA graduate?

Alumni are an important part of our success and we look forward to continuing our partnership with you.

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SPAA Alumni Network >
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Public Administration Careers

Learn how to serve the public good with a meaningful career in public administration.

State and Local Government Careers >
Nonprofit Careers >

Careers in Public Administration >
Career Resources >
Alumni Stories >