Search courses offered at Rutgers SPAA below.
For course schedules, see Rutgers University Schedule of Classes.
Governance and Politics
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Modality:
In Person
This course covers such topics as bureaucratic politics, democratic theory, and public sector governance.
More information about Governance and PoliticsGovernment Budgeting
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Modality:
OnlineIn Person
This course provides an overview of the governmental budgetary process while focusing on the tools and techniques for managing budgets and making financial decisions in government. Looking at all three levels of government – local, state, and federal – this course examines the role of the budget in the economy, the politics of the budgetary process, budget methods and reforms, sources and uses of revenue, and deficits and debt.
More information about Government BudgetingGovernment Revenue Theory and Administration
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Modality:
OnlineIn Person
This course provides an overview of government revenue systems in the United States. It examines and evaluates how federal, state, and local governments levy different types of taxes, manage user fees and fines, borrow money, design intergovernmental grants, administer the revenue sources they selected, and reform their revenue systems.
More information about Government Revenue Theory and AdministrationGrant Writing and Grants Management
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Modality:
OnlineIn Person
Student will learn how to seek, solicit, and manage grant awards from foundation and government sources to support public and nonprofit programs and projects. The course focuses on the strategies and process of writing effective grant proposals. Students are guided through the development of a grant proposal and will explore topics that include: searching funding sources, writing compelling need statements, establishing goals for funding, developing SMART objectives for evaluation, and creating budget documents to support grant seeking. Students complete multiple written assignments that culminate in a final grant proposal document.
More information about Grant Writing and Grants ManagementGrant Writing for Organizations
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Prerequisites:
English Composition (21:355:101 & 21:355:102); Understanding Public Administration and the Public Sector (40:834:200 )
- Modality:
OnlineIn Person
Grant writing for public and nonprofit agencies: proposal writing, promotional and support materials, budget development, fundraising sources, and grants-management system.
Note: Course is Writing Intensive
More information about Grant Writing for OrganizationsHealth Systems and Policy
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Modality:
OnlineIn Person
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of the U.S. healthcare delivery system and health policy. The course covers topics such as the history, organization, financing, technology, regulation, and quality of medical and health services in the United States. The course also explores how policy addresses healthcare outcomes and examines the processes of policy formulation, implementation, modification, and reform. The course provides essential foundations in the macro aspects of the health policymaking process and healthcare organizations.
More information about Health Systems and PolicyHealthcare Finance
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Modality:
OnlineIn Person
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects of healthcare systems. The course explores the various financial mechanisms, policies, and practices that affect healthcare organizations and their operations. The curriculum covers healthcare financing models, including private insurance, government programs (e.g., Medicaid and Medicare), and alternative payment systems. The course also addresses topics such as revenue generation, cost management, reimbursement methods, and budgeting and planning within the healthcare context.
More information about Healthcare FinanceHealthcare Management
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Modality:
OnlineIn Person
This course introduces students to theoretical, conceptual, and practical foundations in healthcare management. The course covers the fundamentals of healthcare management, including the structure, function, and culture of healthcare organizations. The curriculum explores key management concepts such as strategic management, human resource management, financial management, diversity management, and performance management in the context of healthcare. The course also addresses health regulation and compliance as well as emerging issues in healthcare management.
More information about Healthcare ManagementHuman Resources Management
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Modality:
In Person
The course addresses public sector human resources management from multiple perspectives, including theoretical, legal, political, policy and practical. It covers the important contemporary issue of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as other critical issues such as public sector labor relations, performance management, ethics, and privatization.
More information about Human Resources ManagementIndependent Study (MPA)
- Course Number:
- Credits:
- Prerequisites:
Advance approval of the MPA Director prior to enrollment
- Modality:
OnlineIn Person
Independent study is available on a very limited basis as a concentration course for students to investigate a specific topic or issue in depth. Independent study occurs under the direct supervision of a core faculty member. Independent study requires permission from the supervising faculty member and MPA Director approval before students may register. Independent study is limited to 3 credits during the course of the MPA program, and it may count as either a concentration course (with approval) or an elective; Independent Study cannot substitute for a core course.
Requirements to receive credits for independent study:
- Approval from a SPAA faculty member to direct the independent study.
- Submit a detailed description of the proposed topic, the deliverables to be assessed, and a recommendation letter from the supervising faculty member to be considered by the MPA Director for approval.
- The typical minimum deliverable for Independent Study consists of a substantial research paper, including: literature review, collection of data, analysis. The supervising faculty may require additional assignments.