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Rutgers SPAA Journals

SPAA sponsors and faculty serve as editors for top journals in the field.



American Review of Public Administration (ARPA)

Book Review Editor: Cleopatra Charles
ARPA is one of the elite scholarly peer-reviewed journals in public administration and public affairs and focuses on public administration broadly defined, publishing scholarship on all aspects of the field, including traditional areas such as organization and management studies, program and performance evaluation, and budgeting and financial management, as well as emerging areas such as network governance, public involvement, and public service motivation.



International Public Management Journal (IPMJ)

Co-Editor: Gregg Van Ryzin
IPMJ publishes high-quality empirical and theoretical work on managing large organizations, particularly public organizations. IPMJ features work from scholars around the world who conduct research in the areas of public management and government reform, comparative public administration, organizational theory, and organizational behavior. IPMJ seeks to provide a bridge between those conducting research on public management/administration and those working in the areas of organizational behavior/theory.



Journal of Public Management & Social Policy (JPMSP)

Publisher/Co-Sponsor: Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration
JPMSP publishes theoretical, applied, and/or discussion papers on public administration, political science, and public policy issues associated with the process of economic, educational, environmental, political, and social well-being of diverse populations. JPMSP aims to provide a forum for scholarly research addressing diverse issues. Manuscripts in four areas of research: politics, economics, equity, and the environment are welcome. JPMSP is co-sponsored by the Conference of Minority Public Administrators section of ASPA and is published by Rutgers SPAA.



Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ)

Associate Editor: Lindsey McDougle
NVSQ publishes high-quality peer-reviewed manuscripts from a diverse array of disciplinary and methodological perspectives on nonprofits, philanthropy, voluntary action, and civil society across the globe. The journal publishes full-length articles, research notes, and book reviews. NVSQ, published bi-monthly, is the official journal of ARNOVA.



Policy Studies Journal (PSJ)

Managing Editor: Briana Huett 
PSJ publishes original, global research articles and symposia of exceptional quality addressing a wide range of public policy issues, at all levels of government, and encourages submissions that foreground theoretical queries and concerns. PSJ embraces diversity and welcomes submissions from different theoretical perspectives, has no methodological or analytic dogmas, and encourages submissions from historically underrepresented groups.


PPMR 4x5

Public Performance & Management Review (PPMR)

Editor: Kaifeng Yang
PPMR is a leading peer-reviewed academic journal that addresses a broad array of influential factors on the performance of public and nonprofit organizations. Its objectives are to: advance theories on public governance, public management, and public performance; facilitate the development of innovative techniques and to encourage a wider application of those already established; stimulate research and critical thinking about the relationship between public and private management theories; present integrated analyses of theories, concepts, strategies, and techniques dealing with performance, measurement, and related questions of organizational efficacy; and provide a forum for practitioner-academic exchange.



Review of Public Personnel Administration (ROPPA)

Associate Editor: Ricardo Bello-Gomez
ROPPA presents timely, rigorous scholarship on human resource management in public service organizations. The journal provides research for scholars and professionals to stay abreast of advancements and innovations in the field. The journal publishes articles that reflect the varied approaches used in the study and practice of human resource management in the public sector. The journal analyzes the effects of specific HR procedures or programs on the management function and assesses the impact of HR management on the broader areas of public policy and administration.