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Join Us Oct. 11 for a SPAA Viewing Event of The Federal Judiciary in the 21st Century: Remarks from Jeffrey Minear, Counselor to Chief Justice Roberts

Join us for a Rutgers SPAA in-person viewing of a virtual conversation about the constitutional roles and responsibilities of the U.S. federal courts to American government and its democratic institutions. Refreshments will be served.

The livestreamed event includes remarks from Jeffrey Minear, counselor to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts as interviewed by Jeffrey Sutton, chief judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and opening remarks by Mark West, the David A. Breach Dean of Law and Nippon Life Professor of Law, University of Michigan Law School.

Students and members of the Big Ten community will have an opportunity to ask the speakers questions regarding judicial branch governance. Email your questions to Rutgers SPAA Associate Professor Stephanie Newbold ( by September 30, 2022. You will also have the option to submit a question when registering.

This event has two viewing options – an in-person viewing event at Rutgers University–Newark and livestreaming. The in-person viewing event hosted by Rutgers SPAA will take place live at the Paul Robeson Campus Center at RU-N. Livestreaming from the University of Michigan is also available and the link will be emailed on the morning of October 11 to those who register as a virtual attendee here:

This event is part of Rutgers SPAA's collaboration with public policy, public affairs, and public administration schools in the Big Ten Conference on the Democracy in the 21st Century initiative, an effort to develop educational programs that promote active civic education and engagement. Dr. Newbold is serving as the lead organizer for the section focusing on the federal judiciary in the 21st century.