TAD 15 – Call for Proposals

2019 Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD 15)
“Restoring the Administrative State: Trust, Engagement, Security, and Identity"
Oct. 20-22, 2019 | New York City, NY
TAD 15 brings together a diverse group of scholars who draw on different theoretical and methodological perspectives to share their latest research and discuss challenges confronting governance and society on both sides of the Atlantic. This conference will deepen the discussion between the many disciplines that constitute public administration and explore the commonalities as well as differences between Europe and North America. Under the conference theme, TAD 15 is organized into the following workshops:
Workshop 1: Government Performance
Citizens perceive that their governments have not done a good job of protecting their interests. The rise of global inequality, the failure to ensure that all people reap the benefits of international trade, rapid changes in the workforce that leave many unemployed or underemployed, all contribute to animosity toward government. In these and other ways, how has government “failed,” and how can its performance be improved? This workshop will address issues of government performance, both success and failure, to understand the need for and mechanisms of government improvement.
U.S. Co-Chairs:
Gregg Van Ryzin – vanryzin@rutgers.edu
School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University–Newark
Patria de Lancer Julnes – patria.delancerjulnes@baruch.cuny.edu
Marxe School of Public and Int'l Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York
European Co-Chair:
Salvador Parrado – sparrado@poli.uned.es
Departamento de Sciencia Politica y Administracion, Madrid, SPAIN
Workshop 2: Citizen Engagement
However unfair the characterizations of often hard-working public servants, many people feel estranged from those making or implementing decisions on their behalf. How does government make residents feel more connected to decision-making? Are there particular and unique challenges for transnational institutions or nations participating in multilateral trade agreements? This workshop will discuss how can government better engage and empower residents in making and implementing policy decisions.
U.S. Co-Chair:
Victoria Alsina – victoria@thegovlab.org
Technology, Culture & Society, Tandon School of Engineering, New York University, USA
European Co-Chairs:
Francesca Manes Rossi – fmanesrossi@unisa.it
University of Naples, Italy
Isabel Brusca – ibrusca@unizar.es
University of Zaragoza, Spain
Workshop 3: Public Communication
While the decline in public trust predates the modern media environment, the erosion of trust dropped sharply after the rise of 24-hour cable news. How can social media be used to shore up a sense of collective identity and purpose? Does government have the tools that it needs to communicate effectively within and across borders? The papers in this workshop will focus on the use of information and media to better serve and communicate with society.
U.S. Co-Chair:
Don Waisanen – don.waisanen@baruch.cuny.edu
Marxe School of Public and Int'l Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York
European Co-Chairs:
Dacian Dragos – dragos@fspac.ro
Public Administration Department, Babes Bolyai University, Romania
Maria-Jose Canel – mjcanel@ucm.es
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Workshop 4: Digital and Physical Security
Social media have been used to sow national and regional disunion as cyber-espionage campaigns have been waged on major public institutions. Are national commitments to free expression sustainable in the current digital environment? There are serious reasons for concern about the enforcement of physical security as well. Domestic or international, physical or digital, terrorism remains a threat throughout the globe. This workshop will offer a discussion on the roles of various institutions in achieving a successful balance between transparency and security.
U.S. Co-Chair:
Adam Wandt – awandt@jjay.cuny.edu
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York
European Co-Chair:
Eckhard Schroeter – eckhard.schroeter@dhpol.de
German University of the Police, Muenster, Germany
Workshop 5: Demographic Change
Demographic shifts go well beyond new citizens and new residents: populations in many places are aging rapidly as well. Is the loss of trust in government driven to some extent by changing demographics? The papers in this workshop will center around establishing an inclusive, multi-ethnic, multi-racial society in the 21stcentury.
U.S. Co-Chairs:
Els de Graauw – els.degraauw@baruch.cuny.edu
Marxe School of Public and Int'l Affairs, Baruch College, City University of New York
European Co-Chairs:
Jacob Torfing – jtor@ruc.dk
Department of Social Science and Business, Business, Roskilde School of Governance, Denmark
Eva Sorensen – eva@ruc.dk
Department of Social Science and Business, Business, Roskilde School of Governance, Denmark