Ying Liu, MPA

Ying Liu is a doctoral candidate in the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University–Newark. Her research interests include public and nonprofit management, social equity, human resource management, local government, and citizen-government interactions. Committed to mainstreaming gender issues in public and nonprofit administration, she is currently exploring women’s representation, gender-responsive budgeting, and women’s nonprofit organizations. Her dissertation Hidden Figures: Four Essays on Women’s Representation and Its Bureaucratic Outcomes examines the relationship between women's representation and bureaucratic outcomes in four aspects: human resource practices, organizational performance and responsiveness, budgeting decision-making, and citizen-government interactions.
- MPA: Wuhan University, China, Master of Public Administration
- BS: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China, Public Management
- BA: Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China, English Translation