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Rutgers SPAA Scholarships & Fellowships

The School of Public Affairs and Administration offers scholarship and fellowship awards to Rutgers SPAA students. Applications are due in the spring and scholarship awards are applied to fall term bills. Please contact the Rutgers SPAA student and academic services office at with questions.

Award Criteria

These scholarships are awarded to SPAA students based on the criteria listed below. Your personal statement should address at least one of these areas: 

  • Academic Success – Academic success can be demonstrated by a GPA of 3.5 or higher, recommendation from a faculty member, rigorous course schedule, paper presented, or research experience.
  • Commitment to Public Service – It can be measured by professional or volunteer record of serving the needs of a larger community or career path focused on public service.
  • Community Engagement – Students need to demonstrate a commitment to the greater Newark area by identifying how pursuing their degree will further their dedication to creating positive change within a community.
Student Eligibility Requirements
  • Must have completed 9 credits in a SPAA program
  • Must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher
  • Must be an active student in the spring 2020 semester when the scholarship announcements go out and the following fall 2020 semester when the aid is awarded. Active student means being registered for at least 3 credits
  • Students must be enrolled in the fall semester for any programs corresponding to the award.
How to Apply

Please contact the Rutgers SPAA student and academic services office at with questions.

Be sure to submit all necessary documents when submitting your application; incomplete applications will not be considered.

  • Completed application form
  • Personal statement referring to at least one of the three criteria above (no more than 1,000 words)
  • Current Resume
  • Unofficial Copy of Transcript (must be obtained from under the Academics Tab)
  • Recommendation by a SPAA course instructor. Committee members cannot provide recommendations.