Public Service Research Panel (PSRPanel)

The Public Service Research Panel (PSRPanel) is an online community of public service professionals who sign up to participate in occasional web-based surveys and studies about the important work they do and the organizations they help lead. If you are a government or nonprofit executive, program or unit manager, front-line public servant, or student planning a career in public service – we invite you to Sign Up.
Your Rights and Privacy
PSRPanel enforces a strict privacy policy – your answers are always confidential and used only for research purposes. Results are published only in aggregate or summary form. Your participation is entirely voluntary. You can choose to participate only in surveys or studies that interest you, and you can remove yourself from PSRPanel at any time you wish after joining. Learn more about our commitment to your rights and privacy.
The PSRPanel is housed at the School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA) at Rutgers University–Newark, and supports academic and applied research in public and nonprofit management and related fields.
Contact Information
The PSRPanel Project
Center for Experimental and Behavioral Public Administration (CEBPA)
School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA)
Rutgers University–Newark
111 Washington Street
Newark, NJ 07102