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International Transparency and Secrecy Research Network

Launched in 2008, the aim of the International Transparency and Secrecy Research Network is to keep participants up-to-date with new publications and research on transparency and secrecy, and to foster dialogue and collaboration in the field of transparency broadly defined.

Through your participation, this network will facilitate online discussions of current research topics, flag new reports and articles, publicize your work, and ease future cooperation among participants.

This network is different from others in its multi-disciplinary, international focus on research. Contributions and interactions are sought from researchers and academics including, but not limited to, scholars of public administration, business administration, public policy, political science, journalism, communication, law, management, anthropology and sociology. This initiative was made possible through a grant from the Academic Excellence Fund at Rutgers University.

The International Transparency and Secrecy Research Network will be as successful as your involvement. There are over 450 subscribed members to the list.  It will be possible to access it in digested and undigested form.

If you have any questions, please contact Suzanne Piotrowski, PhD, School of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University–Newark at