SPAA Accolades: Academic Year 2024-2025
- Ricardo Bello-Gomez, assistant professor, gave one of the keynote speeches at the 1st International Congress on Public Management and Territorial Development.
- Cleopatra Charles, associate professor, delivered the keynote at the Role of the State in the 21st Century Conference in Hungary.
- Diego Galego joined Rutgers SPAA as an assistant professor in Spring 2025.
- Gihun Heo, MPA student, received the 2024 Honorable Sheila Oliver Service Award from the New Jersey Municipal Management Association (NJMMA).
- Diane Hill, assistant professor of professional practice, was celebrated at The Vizion Foundation's annual awards gala and was presented with the organization's Community Award which honors individuals whose remarkable accomplishments and life’s work have made a profound impact in their communities.
+ Hill was honored with the Community Service Award of Excellence from Odyssey International Productions (IP).
- Briana Huett joined Rutgers SPAA as an assistant professor of professional practice in Fall 2024.
- Kat Hurtado, MPA student, was accepted into the 68th cohort of the Eagleton Graduate Fellows, becoming members of the program's Class of 2025.
- Md Shahidulla Kaiser, PhD student, received a 2025 Graduate Student Travel Scholarship to attend the 19th Annual Public Administration Research Conference (PARC) at the University of Central Florida in Orlando, FL, on Feb. 5, 2025 and present his paper on social media use and volunteerism.
- Ying Liu, PhD candidate, attended the Oxford-Penn Social Impact Fellows Program at the Gradel Institute of Charity.
- Suzanne Piotrowski, professor, was sworn in to serve on the newly established Open Government Federal Advisory Committee (OG FAC), which is set to advise on key priorities for the 6th U.S. Open Government National Action Plan (NAP 6) and other open government related topics.
- Gretel Rodriguez Ramos, MPA student, was accepted into the 68th cohort of the Eagleton Graduate Fellows, becoming members of the program's Class of 2025.
- Vageesha Sharma, PhD student, was selected to attend a Modi&US Community Reception to welcome the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, during his visit to the United States.